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Is Using Charcoal Toothbrush Safe? A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health

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  • Post last modified:October 12, 2023

As dental industry is evolving new trends and materials are introduced with the passage of time. One of the growing technologies introduced now adays is charcoal infused tooth brushes. But since they are new to the market so there is always some concern regarding their safety. And you must question in your mind that where charcoal tooth brush is safe?

 So don’t worry as our writers got it covered for you by writing this comprehensive guide about the safety of charcoal toothbrushes.

Charcoal tooth brushes are among the most recent innovations in the dental industry. Various materials are studied and used in dental products that improve patient oral hygiene while also offering some additional benefits.

A charcoal toothbrush typically consists of bristles that have been treated with activated charcoal and a handle made of wood (usually bamboo). There are also toothbrushes that are completely biodegradable, however some do include nylon bristles. Don’t think you are going to rub actual coal into your teeth; instead, the toothbrush is made of coal, coconut shells, olive pits, and other elements that are oxidized before being heated up and activated.

What Is Activated Charcoal?

You must be thinking what it is about activated charcoal that makes it necessary to include it into these brushes. This topic has been addressed by giving a brief description of the production of activated charcoal and some of its unique qualities that make it a suitable material for use in these brushes.

With some health advantages, activated charcoal is a very porous substance. It is produced by burning regular charcoal, the kind you’d use for grilling, in the presence of a gas that makes the charcoal porous or “active.” It can hold substances in its pores.

Is activated charcoal safe for teeth?

There are always some concerns regarding the safety of activate charcoal for teeth and not so much data available regarding the safety of the charcoal toothbrush for teeth. Medical experts are still divided on the subject as of now.

According to some experts, employing activated charcoal in a specifically prepared product in finely powdered and controlled doses is acceptable. However, using activated charcoal in place of your regular toothpaste or for an extended period of time could harm your teeth’s enamel. If the charcoal gets too abrasive for the teeth, the enamel cannot repair itself because it lacks live cells.

Factors to consider for choosing the right charcoal toot brush

Selecting a right tooth brush will help you improve your oral hygiene so before making a final decision here are Some of the basic factors you should take into consideration.

Bristle Firmness

Choose soft bristles that are gentle on your gums and teeth when choosing a brush.

Bristle Quality

For the greatest advantages, look for bristles infused with superior activated charcoal.

Handle Material

To reduce the impact on the environment, pick a toothbrush with a reusable handle, such bamboo.

Brand Reputation

Reputation of the Brand: Learn about the brand’s dedication to ethical behavior, sustainability, and openness in their business practices and product offerings.

Charcoal tooth brush and conventional toothbrush: which one is best?

Since we already covered charcoal tooth brushes in our brief introduction, the following section will focus on some of the features that set them apart from traditional brushes.

Activated charcoal is incorporated into the bristles of charcoal toothbrushes, which frequently have a bamboo handle. They are recyclable due to their design, and it is said that the charcoal works at the microscopic level to remove plaque and tannins that accumulate over time. These options offer an excellent approach for individuals to clean their teeth more effectively while also being environmentally friendly.

 What’s remarkable about this environmentally friendly choice is how the charcoal is reportedly capable of microscopic bacterial removal. As pediatric dentists, we must take these promises seriously because, while adult teeth can be excellent, children’s teeth are still developing at some of the most critical phases, and how well they brush their teeth can make a world of difference.

Pros and cons of charcoal tooth brush

In order to better assist you in making an informed decision about the safety of charcoal-infused toothbrushes, this section is more focused on the benefits and drawbacks of these toothbrushes.

Whiter teeth

The ability of charcoal toothbrushes to naturally whiten teeth is one of their main advantages. The bristles’ activated charcoal can assist in removing surface stains from your teeth, giving you a whiter smile. With the use of charcoal toothbrushes, you may brighten your smile by removing dental stains.

This is due to its extraordinarily absorbent qualities. According to Adatrow, the activated charcoal bonds to the acidic substances in beverages like coffee, tea, and wine to get rid of the stains they might sometimes leave behind.

The pH in your mouth rises as a result of this absorption.

Bacteria removal

It has been discovered that charcoal toothbrushes contain antibacterial qualities.

In a 2018 study Trusted Source including 50 patients, participants were told to wash their teeth for one week each with charcoal and regular brushes. After one week of use, researchers discovered that the ordinary toothbrushes had more germs on them than the charcoal.

Because of its absorbent qualities, AC has the potential to assist in plaque removal from your teeth. This is supported by at least one minor research.

According to a 2019 study, plaque was reduced by charcoal toothbrushes. Indicators of gingivitis (gum irritation) were also decreased, which may have been brought on by lower bacterial counts.

Safe for Adults and Children

Children and adults both can use toothbrushes with activated charcoal. You won’t swallow any charcoal because it has been incorporated in the bristles. But before allowing your kids use charcoal toothpaste (or any other sort), show them how to spit out extra toothpaste instead of swallow it.

Fresher breath

You’ll need a toothbrush that removes plaque if you want fresh breath. According to a new study Trusted Source, charcoal toothbrushes successfully do this. Twenty-five people were told to use a nylon brush and a charcoal brush to brush their teeth twice daily after meals.

After 6 weeks of use, it was discovered that the charcoal bristles removed more plaque than a normal toothbrush. At the conclusion of the research, the charcoal bristles were also less damaged than the conventional toothbrush. Bacteria on your teeth and tongue are the primary causes in bad breath. Therefore, limiting oral bacterial growth can aid in maintaining fresh breath.

Enhanced Oral Hygiene

For a gentle cleaning experience, charcoal toothbrushes often have soft, round-ended bristles, like those found in Brush Club’s Dental Kit. This effectively removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gumline and lowers the risk of gum injury. An improved oral hygiene routine and a healthier mouth can result from using a charcoal toothbrush on a regular basis.

Eco-Friendly Choice

By choosing a charcoal toothbrush from Brush Club, you are choosing sustainably. The toothbrush handle is made from reusable bamboo, and the bristles are filled with charcoal made from sustainably natural resources like bamboo. By selecting a charcoal toothbrush, you’re reducing plastic waste and promoting environmental cleanliness.



Activated charcoal is harmful to your bathroom sink because of its dark color. Charcoal can really start to discolor porcelain countertops or sinks, according to Kalasho.

Compared to other charcoal items, a charcoal toothbrush will make less of a mess, but the bristles will still weaken with time. If they do, the activated charcoal can leak out and make a mess that is difficult to clean up.

Abrasive nature

Erosion is the main threat that AC poses to your teeth. Enamel, a strong and long-lasting tissue, covers your teeth. Abrasive products can damage your enamel. The softer tissue known as dentin can be seen through enamel deterioration.

Dentin has a yellow color by nature. Thus, erosive products may actually increase the yellowness of your teeth. Activated charcoal can harm teeth by wearing away their enamel. Charcoal toothbrushes are no longer acceptable for the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance due to their abrasiveness.

When a tooth’s enamel wears away, it is permanently lost. Sensitive teeth and discoloration may result from this. Adatrow contends that because of this, activated charcoal shouldn’t be used again.

Dentist recommendation for charcoal toothbrushes

Considering all the additional advantages of these tooth brushes that we have already covered, if you ask our opinion as to whether you should switch from conventional tooth brushes, we won’t advise it because there isn’t enough data to support the safety of using charcoal-infused products.

The majority of dentists have not yet endorsed activated charcoal products. Since there isn’t enough research to back up charcoal-based dental products, Murra advised against using them.

Additionally, activated charcoal can bind to any drugs you might be taking and render them ineffective, according to Drs. Ryan Naylor and Mark Alexandrunas of Premier Dental Ohio.


We hope that by reading our detailed guide charcoal tooth brushes it will be easier for you to decide whether its worth to follow the latest trends and add these tooth brushes to your oral hygiene routine. You can let us know in our comment section.


Should I Allow My Child Charcoal Toothbrushes?

In general, toothbrushes should be changed every three months since bacteria buildup and bristle damage can be bad for your child’s teeth. As for the endorsement? We advise care when giving your child a charcoal toothbrush, especially if they are still learning their brushing routines and have a habit of swallowing toothpaste

Do dentists recommend charcoal toothbrushes?

Little proof exists to support the effectiveness of charcoal dental products for teeth, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association. The abrasiveness of charcoal may wear away the enamel on the surface of the teeth, which is even worse because there is evidence that they may even be harmful.

Is charcoal toothbrush good for gums?

It is thought that charcoal bristles can absorb bacteria and lessen the occurrence of foul breath. However, just like charcoal toothpaste, bristles from a charcoal toothbrush are abrasive and harm gum tissue and tooth enamel. Because they do not have the ADA’s endorsement, charcoal toothbrushes are unsafe to use